How to choose the right tour company for Safari Tanzania Kilimanjaro?

 Hiking Kilimanjaro is one of the top things on every traveler’s bucket list. The iconic summit of Kilimanjaro attracts thousands of hikers every year trying to conquer its peak. However, it is important to note, it is only possible to climb the summit with a good deal of preparation.

Below listed as top 4 tips for Kilimanjaro hiking tour:

1. Prepare for a physical battle:  Train in advance and be physically fit because it is one of the most difficult treks involving 17 hours climbing in a 24 hour time period.

2. Keep your mental calm: The trek is not only a physical battle but a mental one too. Imagine trying to keep your mental composure while hiking for 17 hours continuously in extremely cold temperatures while fighting altitude sickness and pitch-black darkness all around you.

3. Carry medication for altitude sickness:  It is highly recommended to carry medication on the trek for altitude sickness. It is a life-threatening serious condition and should not be ignored.

4. Stay well-hydrated: Drinking around 2-3 liters of water is important if you do not want serious leg cramps or tiredness issues related to excessive dehydration.

Safari Tanzania Kilimanjaro

There are tons of tour operators available for the daily trek. So, how do choose the right tour company for Safari Tanzania Kilimanjaro? Read below for a few tips:

·         Inquire about past success rates: Inquire what the company’s past record for successful expeditions is before you book them.

·         Ask about traveler to guide ratio: Asking beforehand about the number of travelers you will be trekking with or the number of guides that will be assigned to take you through can offer great peace of mind.

·         Read online reviews: Learn about how responsible or well-coordinated the safari will be from reading the online reviews and testimonials about the company.


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